Monday, April 20, 2009

Blog of youtube 4/20/09

This blog that i found comes from and i see it as a relieble source because it is someones opinion of why youtube is so popular. Also the information that is on there seems to be correct from what i know about youtube so i see it as useful information. Even thought this might be some ramdom person, that is what i am looking for, somone who will tell me why they use and post videos on youtube. So i believe this blog has some useful infotmation that i can use.

1 comment:

  1. Youtube can be an authortative source, but be weary on who is creating the video. I would suggest using the an idea that comes out of the clip and cite it. I wouldnt neccessarily use youtube as a source.

    If you want to use the clip as a source, i suggest looking itno who posted it and see who the person is...PhD, professor, scientist, etc
