Monday, April 6, 2009

You Tube assesment 4/6/09

You tube is a website where videos, picture slides can be posted for everyone to see. Music videos to movie clips can be posted on here even home made videos. The only thing that cannot be posted on here are pornographic videos which is probably a good thing. Comments can also be posted by anyone who has an account about every video that is posted onto this web site. In order to be able to post videos an account must be created. Once an account is made you can tell a little bit about yourself and even post a picture so that people can know who you are. The way youtube is by just going on and browsing any video that seems interested. An account must be created only if you wish to post videos of your own or if there are videos that are not meant for people under 18 years of age. For these kinds of videos that are not suitable for people 18 and under an age check is required. If you do have an account you can make other poeple your friends and send messages to them. Playlists of videos can also be created and shared. Everyone from people who are into music or are politicians use youtube to post videos about their everyday interests. There are practically videos of everything on this website. This website allows users to post everything from things they like to their own political statements and their believes thats why its important for people because they can show other people what they are about. This web site is useful but can also not be useful at all depending on how its used because if you are looking for music videos of course its useful but if your trying to find our information about something it can go either way because any one can post videos and depending on the source it can be useful or it wont. There is not much private information aparent to the other users other than age, name and where one is from so this seems pretty safe. There is other information such as favorite movies, books and questions like that but over all not much personal information is shown about the users who do have accounts on youtube.

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